It's that time again — to pack up the gear and travel. It is always a challenge deciding what gear to haul. While I'm not looking forward to the lines through security in Chicago, I am super stoked to check out the Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series Race (LVACWS). Hopefully the windy city lives up to its name and produces some knottage for an exciting race to photograph.
I admit it – I am a little bit guilty of being a storm chaser. Storms are fascinating to watch and photograph. The heavy storm systems that have been rolling through the Southeast this past week gave me the opportunity to test out my fresh new Nikon D500. After reading and watching many reviews and looking at the sample files that are out there floating around the internet – I was impressed. It has amazing dynamic range for a DX camera and very low noise. I was playing around really but caught this lightening strike without the use of a tripod shooting at about 10FPS. The shot is taken from the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge in Georgia. Despite the oppressing rain, thunder and lightening the Georgia Ports Authority cranes looked busy and weren't intimadated by Mother Nature.